Radio Cincinnati
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Working with student interns by creating sound effects during an original radio play re-creation at the Union Terminal 75th Anniversary weekend, June 2008.


Giving a sound effects presentation for UC's OLLI class in 2010.

BELOW are some of the presentations that I am asked to do for community groups, schools and historical societies around the area.  In addition to the most popular ones listed below, I have often created specific or specialized presentations.  If you're interested in having Mike Martini speak to your group, contact me (information on the "About Me" page.)  Sometimes there is a fee, sometimes, I'll ask for a donation for Media Heritage. 

Cincinnati Broadcasting:  The First Fifty Years

One of my most popular and requested presentations:  A power-point discussion of Cincinnati's significant role in the development of radio and television history.     45-minutes-to-one hour (depending upon whether audio is included)

Previous clients include:  Delhi Historical Society, Green Township Historical Society, Cincinnati Women's Club, Westwood Historical Society among others.

Ruth Lyons:  First Lady of Broadcasting

Ruth Lyons was one of the most important broadcasters in the history of broadcasting--locally and nationally--and is remembered even today for her professional and charitable works.  This power-point presentation features images and sounds that help tell the story of this remarkable woman.   45-minutes to one-hour.

Previous clients include:  Bayley Place Communities, the Westwood Matrimates and Delhi Historical Society

The Boys of Summer: Baseball and Reds' Announcers of Yesteryear

NEW!  A loving look at the broadcasters who paint the word pictures that have brought us Cincinnati Reds baseball--particularly on radio--over the years.  The power-point presentation features images and sounds spanning the entire era of Reds' broadcasts.  About 45-minutes.

Presvious client:  Metallic Men's Club, Forest Park Kiwanis

Sound Effects: Staging the Theatre of the Mind

Arguably my most "complimented" and unique presentation.  Using actual sound effects based upon the originals from the Golden Age of Radio, your group will love the chance to "play" with the sound effects and even perform an actual script in front of the group.  Much fun!

Previous clients include: Greenhills Women's Club,  Western Hills Country Club Women's Club, C.G.&E Retirees, UCs Learning in Retirement class and others!